Seishin to Toki

Seishin to Toki

Seishin to Toki

Mar 17, 2023

Welcome to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

In the next 90 days, i will write what we do here and why it's important.

Prerequisite one week before entering :

  • 7 days clean sheet

    • 8h of Sleep

    • Semen retention

    • No sugar

    • No alcohol

    • 36h of water fast

Repeat this until you're ready.

Now that you are done with the preparation, welcome to the time chamber.

You're here to turn into Berserker Mode, in this mode you will have more energy, time and output than you have never been in your life.

This is because we will leverage the latests bio hacking research technique to get the most out of your body and reach superhuman performance.

I will start Monday 20 March 2023 and update this tread on a daily basis.

Day 1 : Monday 20 March 2023 —

Day 2 : Tuesday 21 March 2023 —

Day 3 : Wednesday 22 March 2023 —

Day 4 : Thursday 23 March 2023 —

Day 5 : Friday 24 March 2023 —

Day 6 : Saturday 25 March 2023 —

Day 7 : Sunday 26 March 2023 —

Day 8 : Monday 27 March 2023 —

Day 9 : Tuesday 28 March 2023 —

Day 10 : Wednesday 29 March 2023 —

Day 11 : Thursday 30 March 2023 —

Day 12 : Friday 31 March 2023 — Don't mess up with sleep

Day 13 : Saturday 1 April 2023 — Ignore your friends

Day 14 : Sunday 2 April 2023 — Crossing the chasm

Day 15 : Monday 3 April 2023 — Sick and tired please stop it…

Day 16 : Tuesday 4 April 2023 — I don't want it anymore

Day 17 : Wednesday 5 April 2023 — I forgot you

Day 18 : Thursday 6 April 2023 — It's like exercising the mind

Day 19 : Friday 7 April 2023 — Don't mess up with sleep…

Day 20 : Saturday 8 April 2023 — Why did i try to make this call anyway

Day 21 : Sunday 9 April 2023 — Stay calm

Day 22 : Monday 10 April 2023 — Food can ruined your sleep

Day 23 : Tuesday 11 April 2023 —

Day 24 : Wednesday 12 April 2023 — Through the rain

Day 25 : Thursday 13 April 2023 — I hit the bottom

Day 26 : Friday 14 April 2023 — You can't control reality

Day 27 : Saturday 15 April 2023 — I ate after 6pm and this happen…

Day 28 : Sunday 16 April 2023 —

Day 29 : Monday 17 April 2023 —

Day 30 : Tuesday 18 April 2023 — The promise land of habits

Day 31 : Wednesday 19 April 2023 — Start the day with silent

Day 32 : Wednesday 20 April 2023 —

Day 33 : Thursday 21 April 2023 —

Day 34 : Friday 22 April 2023 —

Day 35 : Saturday 23 April 2023 —

Day 36 : Sunday 24 April 2023 —

Day 37 : Monday 25 April 2023 —

Day 38 : Tuesday 26 April 2023 —

Day 39 : Wednesday 27 April 2023 —

Day 40 : Thursday 28 April 2023 —

Day 41 : Friday 29 April 2023 —

Day 42 : Saturday 30 April 2023 —

Day 43 : Sunday 1 May 2023 —

Day 44 : Monday 2 May 2023 —

Day 45 : Tuesday 3 May 2023 —

Day 46 : Wednesday 4 May 2023 —

Day 47 : Thursday 5 May 2023 —

Day 48 : Friday 6 May 2023 —

Personal letters

Most of these letters are intimate and can't be find anywhere else

Personal letters

Most of these letters are intimate and can't be find anywhere else

Personal letters

Most of these letters are intimate and can't be find anywhere else