Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Apple pushed privacy (i will come back to this on another post) at a point where social ad could die.
I'm writing this to remind them why the world need Ad, social ad, above all personalize Ad.
It's simple. without this paper Ad, Apple might never have been founded.
Here is Steve Jobs on his own words after leaving Reed College:
"I came back down [to the San Francisco Bay Area] 'cause I decided I wanted to travel, but I was lacking the necessary funds. […] So I need to get a job, and I was looking in the paper and there was this ad that […] talked about being an engineer and having fun at the same time. It sounded like fun, so I called. It was [video game manufacturer] Atari. And I filled out an application, just listed all the things that I’d done, and the personnel woman said, “Well, don’t call us, we’ll call you!” But then some stroke of luck got my application to a man named Al Alcorn, who was the vice president of engineering at Atari at the time. And he called me up the next day and hired me, and it was great."
During his time at Atari, Steve Jobs met Steve Wozniak, who was also working there at the time.
The two of them bonded over their shared interest in technology, and eventually went on to start Apple Computer together.
Jobs also learned important lessons about business and marketing during his time at Atari.
Atari was one of the first companies to develop video games, and Steve Jobs was hired as a technician to help build the hardware for the games.
He saw how Atari marketed their products to appeal to a wide audience and how they used simple, intuitive designs to make their games accessible and engaging.
Overall, Steve Jobs' time at Atari helped shape his vision for Apple and his approach to technology and business.
Without Atari, it's possible that Apple might never have been founded or achieved the success that it did.
In today's world, social advertising is the main channel through which millions of people find jobs, connect with others, and discover new products and services. By limiting social advertising, Apple may be hindering the next Steve Jobs from changing the world for the better.
Here's Steve Jobs at 2, he later called computers “a bicycle of the mind.”

I believe that computers have reached a new era of intelligence with Ai
This is why I created as "a rocket of the mind".